Executive Cyber Risk Advice
What is Executive Cyber Risk Advice?
cyberSuite’s Executive Cyber Risk Advice provides your executive team or board of directors with a briefing and advice from our cyber and privacy experts.
This briefing focusses on key threats and risks the organisation may face and includes time for discussion about remediation or uplift options, if required.
Why obtain Executive Cyber Risk Advice?
Improved Understanding of Your Risks
Executive Cyber Risk Advice briefings improve your executive team or board of directors’ understanding of risks by identifying the cyber security and privacy risks facing your organisation.
Expert Understanding of Cyber Security and Privacy
Cyber security and data privacy are complex and specialised fields. Gaining access to experts in these fields can increase your team’s understanding of these concepts and how they impact your organisation.
Improved Decision Making
By improving their understanding of risks, of cyber considerations, and privacy requirements, your team is empowered to make better informed and justified decisions.
Cyber Risk Briefing and Discussion Session
A session for your executives and/or directors to gain insight and advice related to the cyber risks facing your organisation and recommendations to address those risks.
Access to Experts
Our team of cyber and privacy experts expand the capabilities of your organisation, by bringing knowledge of threats, risks, best-practice and more to your executive team or board of directors.
Informed Decisions
By increasing the understanding of cyber and privacy risks within your executive team or board of directors, they are equipped to make more informed and better decisions.